Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Focus on Korea

As you may have already heard, Beth and I have recently accepted positions as missionaries in South Korea. We will be teaching English at the Wesley Missionary School and helping Korean kids to share their faith in the international languages of English and love.

This is a fantastic opportunity for us to be able to give of ourselves from the blessings God has given to us. It is also a huge step of faith. The school is providing us with housing and a monthly stipend to take care of our needs once we arrive, so we don’t need to raise monthly support, but we do need your help before we go. Here is our list of needs:

  • Three plane tickets to Seoul, South Korea (estimated total $2700.00)
  • One medium sized dog crate
  • Money for three visas (estimated total $200.00)
  • Two expedited passports (total $300.00)
  • A foster home for Stella (a very well-behaved, very sweet, spayed, lab/golden mix)
  • One or two LARGE suitcases
  • Medium and large boxes for packing
  • Storage space or money for rental of storage (estimated $500.00) for one year
  • Vaccination costs and quarantine fees (estimated total $300.00)
  • Lots of Prayer!!!!

We ask that you pray with us that these needs will be met and, if you are able, to please give generously to allow God to use us to reach the children of Korea. As with any mission work, the ongoing support that we receive through your prayers is the most important way that you can help. We are very excited and looking forward to this new opportunity for God to show us his wondrous love.


Anonymous said...

So... what's the update? Have any of these needs been met yet? We are still praying. Let us know!

Hank and Company

Anonymous said...

Hey r things comeing along? Remember yall r in all r prayers we love yall and we will miss yall. and just because you'll be in another country don't forget to stay in touch ;) (and don't forget the pencils just in case.)

With love
MaRissa and Family
God Bless you all. xoxoxoxox